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Frederic Remington: A Catalogue Raisonné of Paintings, Watercolors and Drawings. Peter H. Hassrick & Melissa J. Webster.
Cody, WY: Buffalo Bill Historical Center, 1996. Hardcover. 2 vols. Slipcase. #205/250.
First limited edition. Gilt-stamped, full calf. CD-Rom. SIGNED by Hassrick and Webster.
Victor Higgins: An American Master. Dean Porter.
Salt Lake City: Gibbs Smith Publishers. 1991. Hardcover. 304 pages.
Dust Jacket. First Edition. Signed by the author. NEW.
Taos Artists and Their Patrons: 1898-1950. Dean Porter, Teresa H. Ebie, Suzan Campbell et al.
Notre Dame, IN: Snite Museum of Art. 1999. Hardcover. 400 pages.
Dust Jacket. First Edition. Brand new, unopened in original shrink wrap.
The American Cowboy. Harold McCracken.
Garden City, NY: Doubleday. 1973. Hardcover. Slipcase. First Limited Edition, #83/300.
Signed. Gilt, full leather. Like new.
American Frontier Life: Early Western Painting and Prints. Ron Tyler, Carol Clark, et al. New York: Abbeville Press. 1987. Hardcover. Dust Jacket. 202 pages.
First Edition. Excellent condition.
Artists and Illustrators of the Old West: 1850-1900. Robert Taft.
Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. 1953. Hardcover. Not issued with dust jacket.
402 pages. First Edition. Like new.
George & Belmore Browne: Artists of the North American Wilderness.
John T. Ordeman and Michael M. Schreiber.
Toronto: Warwick Publishing. 2004. Hardcover. 144 pages. Dust Jacket.
First Edition. Excellent condition.
California Impressionism. William H. Gerdts and Will South.
New York: Abbeville Press. 1998. Hardcover. 284 pages. Dust Jacket.
First edition. Excellent condition.
William de la Montagne Cary: Artist of the Missouri River. Mildred D. Ladner.
Norman OK: Univ. of Oklahoma Press. 1984. Hardcover. 242 pages.
Dust Jacket. First Edition. Publisher’s shrink wrap.
The African Lion as Man-Eater. Guy Coheleach.
Agoura, CA: Panther Press. 2004. Hardcover. Dust Jacket. 176 pages.
First, Limited edition, #634/650. SIGNED. Like new.
Under Eagles’ Wings: The Art of Michael Coleman. Peter Hassrick.
Jackson, WY: Judson Ball. 2009. Hardcover. 235 pages.
Dust Jacket. First Edition. SIGNED by Coleman. NEW.
Eanger Irving Couse: Image Maker for America. Virginia Couse Leavitt.
Albuquerque, NM: The Albuquerque Museum. 1992 (2006). Hardcover. 248 pages.
Dust Jacket. First Edition thus. SIGNED by the author. NEW.
The Art of Carl Faberge. A. Kenneth Snowman.
Boston: Boston Book and Art Shop. n.d. (1962). Hardcover. 186 pages.
Second, revised edition. Dust Jacket. Very fine condition.
Fifty Great Western Illustrators: A Bibliographic Checklist. Jeff Dykes.
Flagstaff, AZ: Northland Press. 1975. Hardcover. 458 pages.
Dust Jacket. First Edition. Fine condition.
Flashes in the River: The Flyfishing Images of Arthur Shilstone and Ed Gray.
Ed Gray and Arthur Shilstone.
Minocqua, WI: Willow Creek Books. 1996. Hardcover. 127 pages.
Dust Jacket. First Edition. SIGNED by Shilstone. Excellent condition.
The Great American Shooting Prints. Robert Elman.
New York: Alfred A. Knopf. 1972. Hardcover. Dust Jacket. First Edition. Very fine condition.
Oblong folio of 72 plates reproducing classic sporting prints from Audubon to Abbett,
from 1840 to 1970.
The Paintings of Eldridge Hardie: Art of a Life in Sport. Eldridge Hardie.
Mechanicsburg, PA: Stackpole Books. 2002. Hardcover. 133 pages.
Dust Jacket. First Edition. NEW.
Clark Hulings. A Gallery of Paintings by Clark Hulings.
White Burro Publishing. 2006. Softcover. 183 pages.
Second edition. Excellent condition.
The Works of George Inness: An Illustrated Catalogue Raisonné. LeRoy Ireland.
Austin: University of Texas Press. 1965. Hardcover. 476 pages.
Dust Jacket. First Edition. SIGNED by the author. MINT.
Krieghoff. J. Russell Harper.
Toronto: University of Toronto Press. 1979. Hardcover. 204 pages.
Dust Jacket. First edition. Excellent condition.
The Navajo and Pueblo Silversmiths. John Adair. Norman.
OK: University of Oklahoma Press. 1975 (Tenth printing). Hardcover. 220 pages.
Dust Jacket. Clean, bright copy.
Ed Quigley, Western Artist. Carl Gohs.
Geneva Hale Quigley. 1971. Hardcover. 167 pages. Dust Jacket. First edition.
Very fine condition in worn dust jacket.
Frederic Remington: The Color of Night. Nancy Anderson et al.
Washington, DC: National Gallery of Art. 2003. Hardcover. 228 pages.
Dust Jacket. First Edition. Excellent unread condition.
The Art of Remington Arms. Tom Davis.
Camden, SC: Sporting Classics. 2003. Hardcover. 182 pages.
Dust Jacket. First Edition. Unread, in publisher’s shrink wrap.
The Rites & Ceremonies of the Indians of the Southwest. John Collier.
New York: Barnes & Noble. 1993. Hardcover. 222 pages.
Dust Jacket. First edition thus. Excellent condition. Illustrated by Ira Moskowitz.
A Bibliography of the Published Works of Charles M. Russell.
Karl Yost and Frederic G. Renner.
Lincoln: University of Nebraska. 1971. Hardcover. Dust Jacket. 318 pages.
First Limited Edition, #495/600. Very good condition in worn dust jacket.
The Life and Art of Charles Schreyvogel.
James Horan & Ruth Schreyvogel Carothers.
New York: Crown Publishers. 1969. Hardcover. Not issued with Dust Jacket.
First, Limited Edition. #199/249. SIGNED by Horan and Carothers. Excellent condition.
Pioneer Artists of Taos. Laura M. Bickerstaff.
Denver, CO: Old West Publishing Co. 1983.Revised and expanded edition.
Excellent condition.
Taos: A Painter’s Dream. Patricia Janis Broder.
Boston, MA: New York Graphic Society. 1980. Hardcover. 322 pages.
Dust Jacket. First edition. Excellent condition.
Harold Von Schmidt Draws and Paints the Old West. Walt Reed.
Flagstaff, AZ: Northland Press. 1972. Hardcover. 230 pages.
Dust Jacket. First edition. Excellent condition in worn and torn dust jacket.